
Spiritual Direction

“We’re all just walking each other home.” —Ram Dass

  • Do you want more from God and your relationship with God?

  • Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your faith?

  • Does it feel like your old patterns of connecting with God are no longer working?

  • Do you experience disillusionment because your life experience does not match up with what you believe?

  • Have you wondered if there is a safe space to ask the questions that keep you up at night?

  • Do you find yourself drawn to Jesus but moving away from the Church or Christians?

What is spiritual direction?

I believe that speaking your truth out loud to an empathetic listener is transformative. It allows you to experience yourself, others, and God in new and meaningful ways. In spiritual direction, I offer a space for you to speak about your experience with God. Together, with the Holy Spirit’s leading, we listen for God’s unique way of communicating with you. Your relationship with God deepens when your experience of God can be spoken, seen, tested, and grown by another’s attention and care. In today’s busy world, slowing down and listening for God’s voice in your life is necessary for real connection.

How does it work?

Spiritual direction sessions happen once a month and last 1 hour. The space in between is meant for reflecting on and paying attention to your awareness of God in your life. Each session costs between $75-$100. You determine the exact cost through prayer and practical financial considerations.

“Katie is a loving, safe and wise spiritual director, and my time with her has changed my life. The time I get to spend on her cozy porch is among my favorite hours each month. I leave time with Katie feeling renewed and loved—with new insights about myself and God. Katie helps me to be still and pay attention to what God is doing in my life. She listens and doesn’t judge, and I feel that all my questions and doubts are welcome. Katie is a warm and honest companion on this spiritual journey. “—Heather F.


“We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has thrown open his doors to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide-open spaces of God's grace.” Matthew 5:2